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The 3 most unique bookshops in Paris

Where can you find the bookworms in Paris? This is your lucky day, after lots of digging we bring you the 3 most unique bookshops in Paris. Our list will not only leave you amazed and with your mouth open,but it will also help you to get to know better those amazing places in Paris. There, you will not only find unique books, but also new places that will transform your readings.


1. Péniche café librairie “L’eau et les rêves”:

We all know Paris for its famous “péniches” or canal boats, which give a particular charm to the Seine river. But can you imagine a péniche turned into a bookshop! Crazy, isn’t it?. Well, not so crazy because you can find it in Paris, la librairie “l’eau et les rêves” is a bookshop and cafe, where you can not only find a good book but you can also eat, attend a conference or different events.

You’ll regret it if you miss it!

  • Address: 9 quai de l’oise, 75019

  • Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday(10:00am to 07:00pm)

  • Access: Metro Crimée (line 7), Metro Ourcq (line 5), Bus 71 & 60 stop Canal de l’Ourcq

2. Le kiosquier-libraire “Chez Bolek”:


The only book kiosk that's not at the banks of the Seine. This place and all its stories belong to Bolek, a man who has been selling there for over 30 years, so if you want to get amazing second-hand books “Chez Bolek” it will be heaven for you!.

I’m pretty sure that right now you’re running to find Bolek and if I were you, I’d do it as quickly as possible! How many good stories are you missing?

  • Address: Place Franz Listz, 75010

  • Schedule: Monday to Saturday (08:00am to 07:30pm)

Sunday (09:30am to 01:00pm)

  • Access: Station Gare du nord (line 4 et 5), Bus 26,43 & 45 stop Place Franz Liszt

3. La librairie Paris Boutik:

Find a book and read it on a bed like you’re at home? Yes Sir, in Paris Boutik you can find it. Paris Boutik is a hotel that owns an apartment with a bookshop. You'll be impressed by the number of books you’ll have at your disposal to read. It’s soundproof, so you can read quietly and this, with an amazing view of Le Marais district.

  • Address: 12 rue Caffarelli, 75003

  • Access: station Filles du calvaire (line 8)

Do you have other recommendations for us? We’re eager to know them!

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Le kiosquier-libraire is amazing!

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