Our prayers have been heard, France is reopening different places and allowing activities that were not possible because of the coronavirus. All of this is possible thanks to the strategy implemented by the government. We are currently at the second stage(which ends soon by the way). Join us to see every step of this strategy!

First stage:
First stage, check! This stage began on May 3rd with the curfew by 6pm, the reopening of colleges, and the end of the certificate to move during the day, along with the possibility of inter-regional circulation.
Second stage:
We’re here my friends, keep up the fight! The second stage started on May 19th. The curfew was postponed at 9pm with the reopening of stores, museums with reservation, movie theaters, memorials, gyms, sports facilities and, the most expected reopening: the terraces (6 people maximum per table). At the same time, gatherings of more than 10 people are banned and the home office is maintained.
@vivreparis @museedelavieromantique @basicfitfr
Third stage:
The third stage will start on June 9. The curfew is gonna be postponed at 11pm, coffees and restaurants are fully reopening (6 people maximum per table still). Cultural places and sports facilities will be able to welcome up to 5.000 people, home office flexibility and finally, the tourists are gonna be welcome in France with a sanitary pass.
Fourth stage:
Memorize by heart this date: June 30. This day marks the end of curfew! We have to keep sanitary measures and social distance, but we have the opportunity to participate in events for more than 1.000 people outdoors and indoors.

Just a little remark: These stages may change depending on the evolution of the pandemic.